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Proving Grounds Team Competition Saturday August 17

Where:  CrossFit South Cobb

When:  Saturday August 17 2013

Programing by:  Proving Grounds

The Atlanta League has put out some good competitions this year.  The next event is Saturday with programming being done by Proving Grounds.  This is an Rx event team elimination competition.  Swing by our booth and say hello!  We will be selling our MOBILITY BANDS, BEARING SPEED ROPE, and LOCK JAW PRO collars during the event along with COOKED AHI TUNA IN COCONUT OIL from Itsumo Foods Market.  



*** UPDATE ***

Great job to all the teams who competed.  Workouts looked really tough as expected.  Thanks to the Atlanta League for putting together another great competition and for inviting us out.  LYNX prize packs included a shirt, bearing speed rope, and a green mobility band for one of the teams.

Final Results: 1st - CF Macto. 2nd - CF Identity. 3rd - CFRX. 4th - Pure Strength. 5th - Pure Firebreathers. 6th - North Fulton!



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