STORE CLOSING SALE 25% off on-line or walkin New schedule Oct 28, open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10am till 4pm. NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGE, Rigs WILL NOT be shipped without ID and location proof
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Check out Autaum Lance Morant rep'ing LYNX and the SAGL Southern Assassins on th...

Check out Autaum Lance Morant rep'ing LYNX and the SAGL Southern Assassins on the Grid!

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Rocking my collegiate soccer #20, I'll be competing, Nov 15th, in the SAGL Invitational as a SOUTHERN ASSASSIN! Our team is made up of 10 extraordinary athletes, representing FL, GA, SC, TN, & NC, competing for the first time together on the grid!!! #TeamFitAID #lynxbarbell #saglsouthernassassins #Autaumatic #gridlife

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